Saturday, July 10, 2010


It's been far too long since I've written anything that wasn't due for a class. It's kind of tragic.

Anyway, after a couple weeks of constant social engagement, I decided to pass up plans tonight and stay in by myself. It was a much needed break. I planned on finishing Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (I'm re-reading the preparation for the seventh film or something). However, I did not. Instead I flicked on the streaming Netflix and watched the next movie in our queue, which happened to be Moon, with Sam Rockwell. It was a fateful decision.

The film is kind of a re-imagining of 2001: A Space Odyssey, mixed with a bit of Truman Showism (I hope I didn't ruin anything for anyone there.), and it left me feeling a bit existential. I used to say that I defined myself by my relationships with those around me, and I meant it as a kind of self-effacingly sad comment about my lack of self-justification. Watching this movie, though made me wonder if I wasn't on to something. So, here's some original thought for anyone who happens to stumble across it:

Our lives on earth are in fact defined by our interactions with others. A life spent in study or entertainment, if it doesn't include meaningful relationships or some kind of service to humanity, is, as far as I can see, completely meaningless. That's a terrifying thought, and a very good reason for me to stop watching existential movies on my own.

Other thoughts: Sam Rockwell is fantastic; also, I wonder how much I'd like myself if there were two of me.